Violence Against Women
Classic Papers
Edited by
Raquel Kennedy Bergen, Jeffrey L. Edleson and Claire M. Renzetti
Table of Contents
Title page, Table of Contents and Preface
1: Against Our Will: Men, Women and Rape (1975)
Susan Brownmiller
Reflection by Claire Renzetti
2: Rape Trauma Syndrome (1974)
Ann Wolbert Burgess and Lynda Lytle Holmstrom
Reflection by Ann Wolbert Burgess
3: Father-Daughter Incest (1977)
Judith Lewis Herman and Lisa Hirschman
Reflection by Judith Lewis Herman
4: Sexually Victimized Children (1979)
David Finkelhor
Reflection by David Finkelhor
5: The Sexual Abuse of Afro-American and White-American Women in Childhood (1985)
Gail Wyatt
Reflection by Carolyn M. West
6: The Sexual Harassment of Working Women (1979)
Catharine MacKinnon
Reflection by Phoebe Morgan
7: Rape in Marriage (1982)
Diana E.H. Russell
Reflection by Diana E.H. Russell
8: The Scope of Rape: Incidence and Prevalence of Sexual Aggression and Victimization in a National Sample of Higher Education Students (1987)
Mary P. Koss, Christine A. Gidycz, and Nadine Wisniewski
Reflection by Mary P. Koss
9: Sexual Violence, the Unmentionalbe Sin:
An Ethical and Pastoral Perspective (1983)
Marie Marshall Fortune
Reflection by Marie Marshall Fortune
10: Female Sexual Slavery (1979)
Kathleen Barry
Reflection by Kathleen Barry
11: Battered Wives (1976)
Del Martin
Reflection by Del Martin
12: Wives: The "Appropriate" Victims of Marital Violence (1978)
Rebecca Emerson Dobash and Russell P. Dobash
Reflection by Rebecca Emerson Dobash
13: Measuring Intrafamily Conflict and Violence: The Conflict Tactics (CT) Scales (1979)
Murray A. Straus
Reflection by Murray A. Straus
14: Women and Male Violence: The Visions and Struggles of the Battered Women's Movement (1982)
Susan Schechter
Reflection by Susan Schechter
15: The Battered Woman (1979)
Lenore E. Walker
Reflection by Lenore E. Walker
16: When Battered Women Kill (1987)
Angela Browne
Reflection by Angela Browne
17: Women and Children at Risk: A Feminist Perspective on Child Abuse (1988)
Evan Stark and Anne H. Flitcraft
Reflection by Evan Stark
18: Lesbian Battering: An Examination (1986)
Barbara Hart
Reflection by Barbara Hart
19: Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identiy Politices, and Violence against Women of Color (1994)
Kimberle Crenshaw
Reflection by Kimberle Crenshaw
20:"Riding the Bull at Gilley's": Convicted Rapists Describe the Rewards of Rape (1985)
Diana Scully and Joseph Marolla
Reflection by Dianna Scully
21: The Specific Deterrent Effects of Arrest for Domestic Assault (1984)
Lawrence W. Sherman and Richard A. Berk
Reflection by Richard A. Berk
22: The Effect of Batterer Counseling on Shelter Outcome (1988)
Edward W. Gondolf
Reflection by Edward W. Gondolf
23: Batterer Programs: Shifting from Community Collusion to Community Confrontation (1989)
Ellen Pence
Reflection by Ellen Pence
Copyright © 2009 R.K. Bergen, J.L. Edleson & C.M. Renzetti.
The goal of the original published anthology was to assemble into one edited volume many of the classic, groundbreaking pieces that have shaped the field of violence against women. Each is cited in the Table of Contents and linked to the original citations but due to copyright restrictions we have not republished them online.
We invited the authors of these classic papers to write reflections about their work and to specifically address why they decided to study and write about their particular issue at the time and to consider the impact that their work has had on the field of violence against women. We attempted to contact each original author for a reflection, however several authors had either passed away or could not be reached. When not available, we invited other experts in the field to reflect on these papers.
The reflections that appear here are considerably varied. Taken together, these twenty-three reflections are empowering - they force us to remember the passion of those who have done this challenging work for decades. They are an amazing group of people! Reading these commentaries is also empowering in that we are reminded of the work that still must be done and the need to continue the struggle against all forms of violence.
About this Website
This website is the free, online version of Violence Against Women: Classic Papers edited by Raquel Kennedy Bergen, Jeffrey L. Edleson and Claire M. Renzetti and originally published in 2005 by Pearson/Allyn and Bacon, Boston, MA. Reading linked documents on this site may require installing the free Adobe Reader program.
The book is now out-of-print but we are providing the original content of this book free of charge to individuals and for use in educational and training settings. This material may not be reproduced for other purposes without the written permission of the editors. Please contact us to make inquires on alternate uses.