Jeffrey L. Edleson, Ph.D., is a Distinguished Professor of the Graduate School and Harry & Riva Specht Chair Emeritus in Publicly Supported Social Services in the School of Social Welfare at the University of California, Berkeley. He served as Dean of Berkeley Social Welfare from August 1, 2012, to September 1, 2019. He is also Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota School of Social Work and was the founding director of the Minnesota Center Against Violence and Abuse.
Edleson is one of the world's leading authorities on children exposed to domestic violence and has published over 130 articles and 12 books on domestic violence, groupwork, and program evaluation. He has been cited thousands of times with high impact, see his Google Scholar homepage. Many of his published articles may be found on his page. He is one of the top five scholars globally in the study of domestic violence.
Prof. Edleson has conducted intervention research and provided technical assistance to domestic violence programs and research projects across North America as well as in numerous other countries.
Edleson contributed a perspective essay to the University of Minnesota's CW360 journal in Spring 2023. A story on the 20th anniversary of the Greenbook appeared in July 2020 on Berkeley's website. Prof. Edleson was interviewed by CNN on March 27, 2020, about the caronavirus stay-at-home orders and their impact on children in homes where violence exists. He also provided a keynote in Singapore on July 8, 2015, that can viewed here. He was interviewed on Radio New Zealand on June 6, 2013, on the show Nine to Noon. Connect Magazine, the magazine of the University of Minnesota's College of Education and Human Development published an article on Prof. Edleson's work in the Winter 2012 issue.TKM, a Dutch magazine focused on abused children, featured Prof. Edleson in its September 2009 issue. Youth Radio, from Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) featured a story on a child's view of domestic violence in February 2011, including an interview of Prof. Edleson. He was also the guest on MPR's Midday call-in show on March 2, 2011. Prof. Edleson was featured in the Judicial Council of California's Great Minds series in March 2010 and was interviewed for a two-part inSocialWork podcast from the University at Buffalo.
Shaknes and Edleson have published a 2024 Expert Paper titled Protective Measures and their inability to protect against domestic violence. Edleson, Shetty and Fata have published a new chapter on The Hague Convention. Edleson works closely with an international group coordinated the Hague Mothers Project of FiLiA in the UK and was recently appointed to the U.S. National Advisory Committee of the Narkis Golan Initiative at Sanctuary for Families. Shetty & Edleson were interviewed on Radio New Zealand concerning Hague Convention cases, listen here. Shetty & Edleson also joined experts in critiquing Hague Global Judicial Guide on Article 13(b). A New York Times editorial published on Wednesday, March 6, 2013, cited Edleson's research on the Hague Convention. Time Magazine covered Edleson's research on the homepage of its website on Human Rights Day 2010. Read the story titled Protecting Kids: Rethinking the Hague Convention on Time's website. The University of Minnesota Connect Magazine also featured his work on the Hague Convention in its Spring 2011 issue. Related to the Hague Convention is Edleson's U.S. State Department testimony, reprinted in the Domestic Violence Report.
Edleson named in 2024 as one of the top five scholars globally in the study of domestic violence.
Edleson was named the 2022 Distinguished Alumni Award recipient of the Sandra Rosenbaum School of Social Work at the University of Wisconsin.
Research by Brignone and Edleson mentioned in April 2020 Wired Magazine story on coronavirus and domestic violence. Original study was published in 2019 in the International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction.
Edleson steps down after seven years as Dean of Berkeley Social Welfare.
Edleson's forward in new Singapore book on domestic violence.
Edleson interviewed by on Can violent men really be reformed?
Edleson named one of dozen highest impact scholars in social work in a study in Research on Social Work Practice and in the top 31 in another study in the Journal of Social Service Research.
Wilmerding, Knuth-Bouracee & Edleson (2018). Reflections on Jackson Katz and the MVP Program. Violence Against Women.
Edleson interviewed on KPFA Radio's Letters and Politics about men and violence (11/09/17).
Third edition of Sourcebook on Violence Against Women now published.
Kiesel, Piescher & Edleson (2016). The Relationship Between Child Maltreatment, Intimate Partner Violence Exposure, and Academic Performance awarded Best Article of 2016 in the Journal of Public Child Welfare.
Edleson awarded the 2016 Linda Saltzman Memorial Intimate Partner Violence Researcher Award by the US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and IVAT.
Edleson speaks nationally and internationally on violence against women and children, particularly on intervention with men who batter and child exposure to domestic violence.
His scholarship and writing over the past four decades has focused on groupwork, program evaluation, and intervention in violence against women and children. His work has been cited almost 9,000 times and he has been ranked one of the dozen highest impact scholars in the field of social work.
He consults frequently across the U.S. and internationally. Recent international speaking and consultations included: Italy (2022), Guiyang, China (2017, 2018), London, UK (2017), Singapore (2015-2020); Tuaropaki Trust, NZ (2015-2020); University of Hong Kong (2014); The University of Auckland, NZ (2013); Te Papa Center for the NZ Family Violence Clearinghouse & NZ Families Commission in Wellington, NZ (2013); University of Hong Kong and Chinese University of Hong Kong (2013); Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India (2013); National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, India (2012); Roshni Nalaya School of Social Work, India (2012); The Hague Secretariat, Netherlands (2011); Toronto, Canada (2010); University of Tokyo (2010); The Hague, The Netherlands (2009); University of Bristol, UK (2009); University of Uppsala, Sweden (2009); Copenhagen, Denmark (2009); London (Ont), Canada (June 2009); Buenos Aires, Argentina (2009).